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    Leitchfield, KY
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  1. My favorite, hands down. I'm half a century old today gentlemen. My Sis makes me one of these every year. It's handcrafted,..all the way to the icing on the cake
  2. I'll be doing my cutting outside
  3. I gave it a once over today, thought I was supposed to install the cutters but they came ready to go and mounted. The package I ordered with the stand came with an extra set. I attached and leveled my in and out feeds. Wiped off excess factory lube from blade and spindle area, I saw on youtube as previously stated here that a wipe down with lacquer thinner here is prudent, I'll do that in a few days. Screws appear to be solid. I checked all for securement and broke a few loose to see and they actually were on super tight. I didn't strip any but could see where it would happen with soft heads. Also added some paste wax to table and feeds. Only thing that seems on the "toyish" is the stop adjustment on the left hand side, but doesn't really matter it does it's job and isn't under pressure etc. Fired it up for a few seconds and she runs Really like the feel of the height adjustment. It's chain driven and really smooth. I'll be running a few practice pieces through then cutting some length off my cherry and maple boards to send through. I'll be using them for some euro projects for myself and some friends.
  4. This is the piece it came with and I attached it yesterday..Not really any length to it but it's on.
  5. Will do, thank you.
  6. Thats great to hear, I'll be feeding it some maple and cherry when I get me some better weather.
  7. I've looked at this thing forever....pulled the trigger the other day. Just now getting around to opening it up. I'll be sending some wood through it when it warms up a tad. It's about 5* here right now lol
  8. Correct,..it's Jack's home and Aaron is impressed
  9. You boahs got me rethinking my tool strategy
  10. A progress pic..hadn't done much with it for a couple of years. I knocked back the ink on those leaves, didn;t like it so dark. I'm pretty much down to working on the deer. Everything else is thinned down as much as I want it.
  11. I'll throw one more up,..kinda long but I had in on in my shop while I as at my bench. He's younger here and with one other fella their knockin out some work. My new skill 77 is on the shelf under my bench. It's probably thinking it got robbed after I played this ....anyway...I'm having a good time with the carpentry vids. I may use some of this info on some scale someday.
  12. Here is Larry Haun. Per the comments he is 80 years old here not long before he passes. He still doesn't have any trouble sinking a nail.
  13. I've told my construction buddies before I can't stand them nail guns...blat blat blat...I see stuff split out etc..I know it's production and folks have to make a living but I'd probably have to fill a niche somewhere else on a crew. I've never really worked construction but as with a lot of other things, it's "better" when done by hand if quality really counts. I've enjoyed several of the vids on roofing, there is some cool math in that arena.
  14. They have mentioned Larry several times on the channel, apparently a legend in the builder world. I seen a few short clips on him the other night.
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