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Everything posted by OC3

  1. OC3

    Birdseye Drawers

    Well Gerald, this was for my wife and she deserved something extra.
  2. OC3

    Curly Cherry Hutch

    Thank you Cal, I found that curly cherry in the door panels in Ohio while working out there, and the rest of the material is from a cherry tree I cut down and dried on our property. I built that for my wife.
  3. OC3

    Birdseye Drawers

    I am a professional photographer and in years past I had some clients that required a lot of working with Amish photographing Stallions for breeding purposes in about five states. Quite a few Amish farms had small sawmills and I would always inquire about any kind of figured wood they might have. I soon learned they usually had a stash in a barn somewhere because their normal lumber buyers were not interested in it ( to hard to work in production). So I would return on my on time and sort through and hand pick what I wanted. I stocked up so I would have enough when I retired.
  4. OC3


    That is very nice work Lew, do you balance that in some way while turning so it doesn't shake the lathe apart.
  5. Thank you Pat. Those hinges came from Fisher Forge LLC in Hamburg Pa. (610-562-5425) they are part RT-1A they were $26.00 pr when I built that. I believe Horton Brasses also has some very nice ones but more expensive. The plans for that cabinet were in Popular Wood Working November 2010 by Mark Arnold. Thanks for your interest and nice words...........................Glenn
  6. OC3

    Glenn Davis

    A selection of recent projects to keep me busy.
  7. OC3

    Birdseye Drawers

    From the album: Glenn Davis

    Birdseye drawer boxs
  8. OC3

    Cherry display cabinet

    We have been getting everyone's share of rain and snow( previously). It's time they take some! We are another hour and half northwest of Lockhaven. Best place in the world for cherry. Most all of it goes to China.
  9. OC3

    Cherry display cabinet

    Lew I am in Cameron County near Emporium.
  10. OC3

    Figured Maple Four Drawer Dresser

    Thank you Lew , unfortunately the captions are not right and I can't find out how to change them. Could you tell me that? Thanks Glenn
  11. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Mortise and Tenon Pegged construction
  12. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Multi shelf two door cherry and hand painted crafts storage cabinet
  13. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Pegged Mortise and Tenon Construction gummy cherry bevel glass mirror
  14. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Sliding Dovetail Shelves, Dovetailed case, Sliding Dovetail Keyed Mldgs, Mortise and Tenon Doors, and Repro Antique German Glass Maple bookmatched frame and panel back
  15. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Details showing dovetailed case joinery and keyed waist moulding
  16. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Cherry and Curly Maple Wood, Interior shelves, Rotating Base, Laser Etched Maple Panels with Hunting Scenes, Deer Antler and Carbon Arrowshaft book retainers, raised panel construction, mortise and tenon.
  17. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Mortise and Tenon Construction
  18. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Figured maple dresser, birdseye drawer sides, raised panel cabinet sides, blum slides, pegged mortise and tenon
  19. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Curly Maple Corner Cabinet with Pendant Shelves, hand made rat tail hinges, tombstone reverse raised panel
  20. OC3

    Curly Cherry Hutch

    From the album: Glenn Davis

    Curly Cherry Hutch with dovetailed casework, sliding dovetailed keyed moulding, mortise and tenon panel doors, dovetailed feet, bookmatched door panels
  21. OC3

    Cherry display cabinet

    From the album: Glenn Davis

    Cherry display cabinet with curly maple raised panel back and bulletin board, mortise and tenon doors, pegged construction
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