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Cherry Rocker Rear
Cherry Rocker Rear
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Winding sticks
So as I move a bit more down the handtool woodworking path, there are a number of things that I am going to need to make.
Today’s entry into this category is winding sticks.
Made a set for me and a set for my father in law out in Ohio (because the bench took too long to build and I couldn’t get to his mallets in time)
These are beech because I seem to have quite a bit of that left over, and it is nice to work with.
Dimensioning, milling, and everything but sanding was done with hand tools on the new bench and I am pretty happy with the results.

The half-moon style of these seem to work better for me than the inlay style but I will probably make a set of inlay style ones eventually as well.

  • 9 replies

Gene's Stuff
Projects from the near and distant past
  • 3 replies

Wallpaper images for cellphones
A collection of wood-centric images for use as lock & home screen wallpaper on our cellphones. All images ©ThePatriotWoodworker

4D's Furniture Design and Related Contemplations
Projects and musings from a Furniture Design Educator.
  • 2 replies

New to scroll sawing
I hope it’s ok to ask a couple dumb questions.  
1.  (dont laugh) do the teeth face up or down on the scroll saw?  I think it’s down, but not sure.
2.  How do I know if I am doing the tension correctly?  I got a Wen 21 inch scroll saw and it has a tension knob with numbers from 1 through 5, but the manual doesn’t help me.
3.  Finally the correct speed for the tension/wood type..?
Thanks for any help
  • 22 replies

A Wedding Cross
Been working on a wedding cross for our oldest daughter @Cynthia Morris and her fiancé Nathan. What an honor to be a part of this preparation and to have this task assigned to me, so I set to doing a little research and found the appropriate dimensions and acquired some Black Walnut and here we go
  • 4 replies

Stanley No.49 Auger Bit Depth Gauge
I set it to an inch deep and drilled multiple holes in poplar, nice and clean, and the same depth, it just takes a little practice to see when it hits, because you really can't feel it hit.
  • 7 replies

Lt Cameron Kerr
On February 16, 23-year-old U.S. Army Lieutenant Cameron Kerr of Stow, Ohio ran to help an Afghan National Army soldier who had just stepped on a small IED (improvised explosive device). On his way, he trod on a larger IED, which exploded on impact.
The Afghan soldier sustained a broken foot, but Kerr was more severely wounded, resulting in amputation of his left foot and lower leg, and severe lacerations and burns to his left arm. Four days later, he was recovering at the U.S. Army's Walter Reed Medical Center near Washington, D.C.
Seen here Lt. Kerr is holding a Patriot Woodworker challenge coin display.
  • 1 reply

Anne of All Trades
I personally love Anne of All Trades and what she does on her homestead and how she blogs about it all. Such a positive young lady, humble and full of energy and joy to share what she knows as she learns it.
  • 2 replies

Workbench Build Thread
Over the past several weeks I have been slowly working on a new workbench for hand tool woodworking. 
  • 97 replies

Mission Bedroom set – making progress
I thought I would share a few progress pics.   Just need to add glue and a few more hundred items to complete.  Thanks for looking.  Danl
  • 13 replies

Finishing New Lebanon Chair
Ol knuckle head sanding on a New Lebanon Shaker Rocking Chair. I built this chair from Curly Maple, it turned out very nice.
  • 5 replies

Working on a vase for my wife. I started with a piece of cherry 6” by 6” by 12” long. I think I will need to build a steady rest to hollow it.
  • 21 replies

My labor of love
I know I haven't been around much lately.  Family matters and a few shows have realaly kept me busy.  Yes, Pop's Shop is still around and kicking.
That being said, I just wanted to share with y'all my labor of love for my wife to celebrate our 58 years together.
  • 19 replies

I got a little shop time yesterday!
So I thought I'd make a little something for our daughter's violin teacher, she has taken it upon herself to give our daughter lessons pro bono, but we could not have that so I told every now and then I'd get something out of the shop for her. We are starting small at first so I can get an idea of her tastes, once I know what she likes in her home (mountain cabin with cedar walls) then we'll get more extravagant.
  • 12 replies

How do you sand your work??
Sanding may sound elemental but to get that good finish it is essential part of the process of turning to a finish. The best way to improve your finish is to first learn to turn to a better finish off your tools. This will take time so lets look at what to do till that happens.
  • 48 replies

Bradford Pear plate
Curly bradford pear . Curl in BP showed well in this whole log and this one shows that well
  • 6 replies

Walnut Bowl
Walnut bowl with an ogee profile with a fillet, about 10" diamter and 1/4" thick.
  • 1 reply

Young Patriot Woodworkers, they are not ready to see this one leave our shop. As with any project that takes time, it becomes part of the family, and the kids always hate to see it leave the shop.
  • 4 replies

Restoring an old fiddle
As promised within the Use of an Angle & Taper Calculator in everyday woodworking thread, here's the amateur hobbyist play-by-play of restoring an old violin. This old fiddle came to me in its original or so coffin case and promptly fell apart as soon as I removed the chin rest. The first 20-some images chronicle its condition with attention to tool marks.
  • 39 replies

This is it with two different looks on the same side. And then the back side looks like a different butterfly but ain't
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Next Bowl after Chicken Bowls
After making the chicken bowls I wanted to add an accent ring to a bowl and not waste my little supply of black walnut so I figured I'd just use my miter gauge to cut some segments and use that to make a circle. However they didnt' fit very well so I glued up 4 segments and hand sanding to get them flat  then glued them into a circle... not ideal.
  • 6 replies

Shaker Furniture
Recently I have taken an interest in building Shaker furnishings, I have always loved it, but I am ready to build it.
This album will contain all the furniture I will build in the Shaker style.
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