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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2025 in all areas

  1. Bubba

    Pocket knives

    I have always preferred a single glade knife. Over the years I have owned Puma, Case, Old Timer, but my current knife is a 3" blade Buck that is currently about 2 3/4".
    8 points
  2. lew

    Ready Service?

    Nice idea, but, I get my exercise walking back a forth to where I left the next tool to use
    7 points
  3. JWD

    Pocket knives

    Like any other tool, I tend to have far more knives than I need. Favorite remains a Case hunter pattern: It's a bit large for a pocket, but slides into a back pocket nicely. Found it in a tacklebox of my late uncle's. I'm the closest thing left to a fisherman in the family - I don't live near enough to any water to actually do it much, but I would if I did. Pretty sad really. Anyway, it's a carbon steel knife so it was rusty when found, but some scotchbrite fixed it right up. I've found Chinese made Rough Riders to be surprisingly good knives. With a stropped edge, the stainless takes a good edge and they are (or were?) cheap enough to not worry much about using them. I have occasionally turned a loose slotted screw with one of those until I could get my fingers on it.
    7 points
  4. HandyDan

    Pet Humor

    6 points
  5. Fred W. Hargis Jr

    Pocket knives

    I've carried an Uncle Henry 3 blade (much like Dave's above) for probably 35+ years. It's been replaced twice and the one I have is the last one I guess. Uncle Henry went under, though I think someone bought the name and is using it again. Prior to the Uncle Henry I carried a Buck that was like the one Dave shows above.
    6 points
  6. Could have sworn I started this a while back....oh well.. Seems I was getting tired of getting poked with chisels, while reaching for a plane.... And this rack was a bit too long.. To be swinging on just that single hinge...time for something different to be made.... So...this will get a make over....went out and bought a few thin planks of KIWI Pine... Clamped this flat for a few days...KIWI Pine? Next item...was to work on that old rack a bit... Set this aside for a day....and figure out where to make a few cuts... Had too many slots, anyway...only needed 11....Mitersaw next.. Racks were a bit too thick...resaw one side a bit, trying to avoid all them screws.. Once these were removed, I could remove the counter bored strip, and a matching strip from the other edge.. The face I did not resaw, needed leveled a bit Test fitted a few of the larger Mortise Chisels.. Square is showing where I needed to trim this rack for length, as there was one too many slots...the narrow chisels? Seem to be flopping around in the slots....we have ways.. 1/2" forstner bit...just enough for the chisel's bolsters to fit in. with come back later with a countersink bit, to accommodate the socket chisels... Problem...as this will be attached to the back of a case, and NOT swing out, needed a way to reach into the case and pull a chisel straight out, which is why those slots were opened up But, how to keep the chisels in place? A Hinged "keeper" should do the trick... so.. Racks are almost done...Need to build a box/case to hold them. Stay tuned...
    5 points
  7. steven newman

    Ready Service?

    Used to be, on a warship....guns would have "Ready Service Lockers" for some of the rounds they would need...in order to give the handling rooms below to start sending up more. So...instead of me thumbing through 2 Plane Tils, looking for just the right plane for a job, grab that plane, and close things back up...and straighten things back up a bit....decided a shelf under the top of the workbench might be of some use.... Basically one or two of each size. So that all I have to do is reach down and grab a plane....there IS a Stanley No. 6c always sitting in the Tool Well, as well... Maybe do an Inventory of what is "available"... When the Type 17 gets a bit dull... There is a Type 10 No. 6c on standby.. There is also a Jumbo Jack plane... Millers Falls No. 15...with a stock 2-1/4" wide blade...and.. A "Normal" Jack plane..Ohio No. 0-5 Down by the leg vise there are two planes that get used a lot, at the moment.. Stanley No. 3, Type 15, and Stanley No. 4-1/2c, Type 11. Finally, covering up a few smaller planes, is this "Thing" Old Heft & Hubris himself...Stanley No. 8c.... There is a Block plane always on the bench.. Mutt & Jeff, right? Stanley No. 60-1/2 low angle. There are 2 Millers Falls planes in the shelf, on standby... A Millers Falls No. 9, Type 2 ( same size as a Stanley No. 4) and.. Millers Falls No. 8, type 2....can stand in for the Stanley No. 3 anytime.... There IS a "rotation" in effect...as one plane goes to get sharpened, a similar plane will take it's place... So..while working at the bench, if I need a certain size plane for a task, I can reach down grab that plane, use it, and then return to the shelf when done...instead of having so many planes sitting it the way on the top of the bench...
    5 points
  8. Artie

    Be careful

    Yeah on NYE I almost got pulled over at 10 pm, going from the kitchen to the living room.
    5 points
  9. Zack

    Pocket knives

    I don’t generally carry this one as a pocket knife, but I use it for rope work.
    5 points
  10. 28° and headed for 33° before we might get a bit of rain/snow this afternoon. Feels like 23°. Partly sunny. 71% humidity. Mailman finally came down the street yesterday. My suspicion is that Amazon put some pressure on them to get packages delivered. Amazon brought me an LED light fixture to update my basement bathroom with. Old fixture was unreliable and may or may not have lit up when the switch was turned on. Trash service has likely decided to wait until next week to pick up. I suspect the transfer station is also struggling with the 14.8" snow cover we all got. 4D
    5 points
  11. JWD

    Which 3?

    Yup, and neither one would likely put a thickness planer high on the list! Luthier might like a jointer though, especially a wide one. Personally I don't like wide belts. Worked with one for a couple years when a furniture shop was my day job, and I found that they made wood flat-ish rather than flat. When a flat and square cut is crucial, don't go to an abrasive. But I doubt I would have learned that lesson quite so clearly without working in that shop. So much of shop practice seems to be best learned by having things work out not quite as well as you wanted!
    5 points
  12. JWD

    Which 3?

    Essential? Bandsaw Drill press Chop saw (slider in my opinion) Myl list assumes, of course, proficiency with all manner of planes and a stout enough workbench to use them proficiently. One could easily substitute a table saw into my list without much argument. Just a question of how one is comfortable working. Nice to have? Everything EDIT: Also got me thinking about why I stopped reading magazines! Figure you eventually get to the point where you would argue with the authors of articles - in this case over wide belt sander. In my view, there's just too much infrastructure involved in owning one of those to include it in a list of "3 essential machines" in my opinion. For the cost of purchase and operation and the amount of floor space it takes up (and the dust collector it requires) one could have a decent hand tool bench, lots of nice hand tools, and elbow room to spare!
    5 points
  13. Gene Howe

    Tabs On the Weather

    A blistering 31° this morning. As Ric said, headed for 59°, though. Better days ahead. Mid 60s and low 70s for the next week. No precipitation anticipated.
    5 points
  14. knockonit

    Tabs On the Weather

    boy howdy, the tempometer says 35 small ones with a breeze, brings back those frigid days of south bend in, whew, froze me keyster off working as a carpenter, couldn't wait to get back to roasting instead of freeze dried. anyhowz, says its gonna get up to a blistery 59 degrees, so there is light at end of tunnel, did manage to spend some time in shop yesterday, played with cnc, i sure struggle with designing tools, and of coures ole gal had to fire up a laser to do some stuff, and well as with all things mechanical something goes awry, with that said, today could be a barn burner, gotta load van for show tomorrow, and yeah, gonna be a chilly one. happy saturday, may the sun shine on your plans, and if not, well there is alway a cup of warm, with in arms reach Rj in az
    5 points
  15. lew

    Which 3?

    Hey, Billy Jack! Long time no see!!!!
    4 points
  16. Just "plane" amazing.
    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. Sadly any body damage caused by getting rid of my collection will be on me. Left knee reminded me it isn't 100% these day by complaining after I cleared the driveway and sidewalk of snow.
    4 points
  19. Reduce the labor 25% and make a 3-sided box. Still time before you make another 90 degree corner.
    4 points
  20. Sitting on my bench, at the moment.. One corner done dry fitted...need to do 3 more corners....
    4 points
  21. lew

    Which 3?

    I can see where some machines would be more useful for specific woodworkers. A luthier would have more use for that particular item vs a chair maker.
    4 points
  22. Smallpatch

    New walking stick

    Gerald that can be taken a few different ways but do wish we had a cellar or a basement. My trying to help for this is a good way to be a good woodworker for it takes only a sharp pocket knife to see if this is the work, fun, I would like to do... I know a couple of guys who went hog heaven and bought every tool and machine they could find for this was how they thought it would be easier to do wood working than not having any thing but a pocket knife. But you never saw any saw dust.. Mainly to show off I Believe but never turned out anything made of wood!!!! In high school I made a wood chain six lengths long and this is what I decided I would do in my spare time. No money at all and I could make small things from a limb off a tree. Gerald, the little town where I went to high school every other family had a cellar or almost. They were only about 4 foot wide 6 foot deep and as long as a guy could stand before he said that's all I can do and quits. Used railroad cross ties covered to top with used tin covering the cross ties before the dirt was piled on top. This also was a good place to store the canned goods. Dirt steps. Working on my nest project. Put a handle on them and they make a good soup spoon!!! Hey, we bought a great lot there in Bella Vesta in 1961. They had many single wides completely equipped for free for the family's to stay in ,as they tried to talk folks in to buying lots. Everything was free except food. Lots of extras like horse back riding, free swimming and row boats or some kind of boat rides, to long to remember and bought a lot there.. Paid on it for a few years then told wife too much sweating up there so we quit paying and forgot about Bella Vista but we did go back is a few more years to look around to see if they did all the things they said they had planned and would build, hospitals and churches and stores!!!! The second time we stayed in someone's cabin for free..Nice place except the summer time!!!!! Bella Vista, Remember if there are no pictures then it didn't happen.
    4 points
  23. HandyDan

    Tabs On the Weather

    Got 2" maybe 3" of snow last night. Cloudy today but they must be light. Bright out there like the sun is shining but not. Supposed to hit 27° on the thermometer. Another good day to stay in where it is warm.
    4 points
  24. Snowed all day as well as off/on during the night. We probably ended up with 3.5"-4" of new snow. High temperature was 25° and that came well after dark. 10:05A, EDT; 27°, RF 24°, overcast, WNW wind 7-13 mph; high of 28° forecast, low 20's tonight. Thankfully we're a 1/3 of the way through this month. Side note; granddaughter finally got to Guatemala about 9P EST; saw a text she sent at 2:58A, EST they were finally at the "hotel." That's 24 hours after the initial journey began before all the weather events.
    4 points
  25. New estimate for our snowfall, I just finished clearing the drive, we probably got 3". The good thing was it was the perfect snow for a snowblower, didn't pack to clog the chute and was light enough to get thrown maybe 35' or so. The bad news is it drifts easily and we have a light wind, just enough to start drifting in part of the drive.
    4 points
  26. We wound up with what I guess is 2" of snow yesterday. It's 24° this morning, which means the salt will work on the roads (assuming the county puts some down) so all in all we got out of this storm relatively easy. Should be in the upper 20s later, and I'll be running the snow blower to clear the drive. Now all the weather talk is about how cold it will be in the middle of the upcoming week.
    4 points
  27. Sounds like there may be a story here………….
    3 points
  28. BillyJack

    Which 3?

    I got by with a miter saw, vibration sander and jigsaw from sears till I bought other tools and made money with them. I was making $4.25 an hours back then and couldn't afford stationary tools and living in ann apartment no place to store it.
    3 points
  29. Zack

    First Project of 2025

    I have a similar chisel rack mounted to the wall. I bored the holes for the ferrules all the way through behind the narrower slots so they can’t fall out of the rack. Just lift them up a little to get them out.
    3 points
  30. Had to laugh at this ad. Penultimate def. pe·nul·ti·mate adjective last but one in a series of things; second last.
    3 points
  31. I personally like the look. Fired pottery look from wood. Pretty cool.
    3 points
  32. Flaming this one caused cracks to open and some mishaping in the rim. Liming wax did a pretty good job on the cracks and liming wax took care of the cracks. a little returning took care of lid and bowl rim . Lime waxed the lid and started embellishing with JaHo jig.
    3 points
  33. I guess I'm not seeing the need for the AS blade. Looking at Timberwolf's offerings, their heavier green wood blades (3/4" and up) are all raker. The green bowl blank blades are AS and smaller backs (1/2" and 3/8") but that makes sense for cutting green bowl blanks. But like I said, I don't do what you're doing so I might be way off base on this. Once a blade has lost it's spring, I doubt tension changes are going to help at all. If you're melting tires (wow!), then you're losing the spring in the blade. To my way of thinking, the primary question is whether your saw's frame can adequately tension a really heavy blade that will last well in your application. I did see a neat short vid on youtube recently (yeah, wasting time!) with a guy using a square post set in the ground and a plywood jig that rode on the post and held a chainsaw. He used this set up to rip lumber from ~4' logs stood on end. No clue if it actually works - the point of the vid was to get views, not necessarily to show how to really do something in practice.
    3 points
  34. HandyDan

    Which 3?

    Lathe Table Saw Bandsaw
    3 points
  35. 7:00 AM CDT 23° RF 11° RH 88% DP 20° Forecast high misses warming up to freezing by 1°.
    3 points
  36. HandyDan

    Pocket knives

    An old cheap Barlow. The scales are gone and it has been sharpened so many times it sometimes stabs me when I reach in my pocket for it. I have a new one but it has no character.
    3 points
  37. Grandpadave52

    Pocket knives

    Just a simple Buck, 3 blade. I've had this one for about 7-8 years. It replaced the Remington 2 blade I'd carried for years but disappeared from "holy" pockets.
    3 points
  38. I get to work the day job for 6ish hours tomorrow morning, then come home and fire up the lathe for a few quick turnings. Sunday we will be setting up our outdoor booth indoors at our Elk's lodge. this will give us time and opportunity to get some fancy "booth shots" showing off our new display system. Hoping this will get us into better art shows in the coming years. This also means I won't be covering the second half of the weekend shift at the day job. this then will end the time of me being able to say "I haven't had a day off all year".
    3 points
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