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Bedroom Chest of Drawers, in Ash
To replace an old beat-up 4 drawer chest of drawers, with a 5 drawer one. Frame & Raised panel sides, drawer fronts to match the raised panel look. Added a bit of molding details here and there...Stain is Witch's Brew, then 2 coats of Amber Shellac..
- Album created by steven newman
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English Garden Bench
Based LOOSELY on Norm Abram's bench for The New Yankee Workshop...made from Ash....with pine dowel pins in the glue joints....Minwax "Gun Stock" stain....and spray-on Poly Gloss.
- Album created by steven newman
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Live Edge Walnut Shelf No. 1
A pile of walnut scrap arrived, was sorted, and gave me a few ideas. A nice shelf. Sanded to 320 then dressed with a well-burred cabinet scraper. Mortised keyhole hangers 16" on center. Cork sheet on the bracketing. The finish is Rubio Monocoat Pure.
- Album created by Woodman
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- 12 images
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Frame & Raised Panel Chest
Made from Spalted Maple. with a 1/4" luann plywood floorboard...Panels sit in grooves milled into the frames. Lid is a single raised panel, sitting in a frame with dovetailed corners...brass hinges, "Cup" style handles. Witch's Brew Stain, 2 coats of Amber Shellac, and a top coat of Clear Gloss Poly...
Stands 17-5/8" tall, with the lid closed with Brass pull latches. size of the box is 17-1/8" by 36-1/4"
Thanks for looking in!
- Album created by steven newman
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- 6 images
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Heartpine live edge shelf
This plank had split at a heavy pitch concentration becoming someone else's scrap wood. Add a dado and a little planing / scraping, and it's another shelf. A lesson learned previously - add mounting holes AND counterbores before assembly
- Album created by Woodman
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A Table for the Gazebo
Made from a stack of Ash for the "show" wood, inside stuff is pine. has a few beads here and there, drawer is half blind dovetailed up front, while the back sit in a dado. Stands 25-1/2" tall Top is 3/4" x 19-1/4" x 32" long. Colour is called Gunstock, by Minwax. finished with 2 coats of clear gloss poly. There is a build-along thread around here, somewhere. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
- Album created by steven newman
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- 6 images
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End Table
Hope Everyone is doing well. New workshop will be delivered end of the week. Hoping to have it set up by mid summer
I have been getting racks and shelving made to get a jump on a few things. The Mrs wanted a new end table
I used Hard Maple for this after a light stain I top coated with 4 coats of wipe on poly which was very forgiving.
I did use my new Tabletop planer on the legs.Got it done by Mother's day so I slipped by on that one
- Album created by CDave
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William and Mary table
Made of cherry with maple drawer sides and guides, it was finished with P&L 38 gloss varnish.
- Album created by Fred W. Hargis Jr
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Night Stand
22" tall 14" wide 18" long
I had some #2 pine, furring 1x2s
and 2x4 so I hand planed 1x2s and put them together like a cutting board
Cut the legs out of 2x4 did a half round using spokeshave
Used Amber Shellac on top then 4 coats clear Shellac over all
Good news on wood situation though we have a good size Amish community around the area they will mill any diminsion wood any species requested for a really good price so I am elated The shop is moving forward as well so life is good
Hope everyone is doing well Next project is Hard Maple already on hand or the boss says siding the rest of the house
so I'm praying for a rainy spell lol
- Album created by CDave
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TV Stand
Finally retired the big box stores stand Had some leftover select pine for shelves and doors and just planed pine for sides
Usd Amber Shellac for finish Only hand tools on this one still working downstairs
New shop this spring! I will be using some power tool then by golly
- Album created by CDave
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- 5 images
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Relax time finally
Figured I better post something otherwise you folks might think I have been goofing off
I actually rebuilt and installed new Bay windows and got siding put on another side of the house
We just bought this place in June of 2018 so the honey do list is pretty long still
Did get the concrete poured for the new wood shop the Boss gave me the okay on
Truth be told she probably just wants to get me further away from the house!
Had some vacation time to burn so I sharpened up the tools and made a couple small project
We are doing well around here hope all of you are as well
Started on a bigger project today hoping to complete before New Years Day however now the spare bedroom NEEDS remodeling so she says lol Oh well I work outdoors at my real job so no need in complaining about inside work
Thanks for all the projects everyone posts love seeing others techniques and ideas
Everybody stay healthy
- Album created by CDave
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Ash Blanket Chest
Frame & Raised Panel chest, lid is a 4 board glue-up with bread board ends. Has a small "Stash box" inside, on the left side...raise it's lid and it props the main lid open. Floor of the chest has 1/4" Aromatic Red Cedar planks glue to a floor of 1/4" plywood, that is glued and screwed to 1 x 2 cleats. Finish is called Early American by Minwax. 2 coats of a clear gloss poly, with a glaze of the stain in-between. Brass hinges, and Black metal handles on the ends. Stands 24" tall ( with the 17" wide lid closed) and the lid is 28-1/2" long. Annual Christmas present gift.
Lumber was 3/4" x 6" x (average length) 6'....
- Album created by steven newman
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- 5 images
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New Kitchen Island
The Boss wanted a new Kitchen Island, as she thought we had out-grown the old one...She wanted a taller, larger, shinier Top. A better place to store all the baking sheets and pans, and a taller shelf to store her pop bottles able to roll it out of the way. Once she found a picture of what she wanted, I could start in....took most of the month of June....
Started with a large stash of 1 x 6 boards of tired of all the glue ups...middle shelf is 3/4" pine plywood. She wanted a single WIDE drawer. 1 x 6 Ash for the drawer front, 3/4" pine for the sides, and back of the drawer. 1/4" Luann plywood for the drawer bottom.
4 pages of plans...delivered by Moose & Squirrel Delivery Service. Finish is Gunstock stain/ BLO , then a couple coats of poly clear gloss. Casters were added to the feet after it had been hauled up the shop stairs.
- Album created by steven newman
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- 5 images
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Some furniture I made
- Album created by Purpleheartguy
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Cherry desk
My second (and last, I hope) desk in the past 12 months or so. This is a library style with an extra wide keyboard tray to accommodate the full width KB and mouse I use. This one is for the main computer in the house and replaces a humongous roll top desk we bought probably 20+ years ago. It's absolutely too large for the current house and will disassembled, maybe I can salvage some of the wood for re-use. Anyway, with almost all our information being filed electronically, there seems to be little need for a double pedestal desk anymore, so I chose this style. With the exception of the tray bottom, it's solid cherry. They tray is 1/2" cherry ply. The drop down hinges are butler table style, and they had to be exposed slightly on the front. The desk is styled (sort of) to match another piece in the same room.
- Album created by Fred W. Hargis Jr
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- 4 images
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Mission tables
Mission tables and hall table
- Album created by BillyJack
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Dovetail Chest of Drawers
Using Dovetails to hold a cabinet together
- Album created by BillyJack
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Shaker Style Table, with drawer
Made from leftover Ash boards. Tried to line up the grain in the top, drawer front, sides so they wrap around, legs are tapered on two inside faces. Keeping with the "Leftovers", the handle was also a leftover.
Top is 3/4" x 14" x 25" counting bread board ends. Table stands 23" tall. Drawer used half blind dovetails in the front, and dados for the back. Stain is called Gunstock, seems to go nicely with the Ash.
- Album created by steven newman
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Dane Franco
Selig Z-Chair scaled to 75% to fit my kid
- Album created by Dane Franco
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Simple Shaker End Table
Was to be made from a single plank of Ash....
Legs are glue-ups, then tapered on two sides. Mortise & Tenon, with pine corner blocks to assemble the base.
Top is a 9 board glue-up, and then has bread board ends. Usual "Gunstock" stain. 3 coats of Amber Shellac
Was given to the wife's Pastor as a Christmas present.
- Album created by steven newman
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- 3 images
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18th Century Connecticut Blanket Chest
This is a chest I made based on an American Woodworker issue that contained the plans to build this chest.
The chest in the issue is a reproduction of the actual chest made by John Wheeler Geer in the 18th century. To see the actual plan set in the American Woodworker issue go to Connecticut Blanket Chest .
- Album created by John Morris
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- 13 images
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Walnut Rocking Chair
This chair is made from Black Walnut. The rockers and backrests are bent glue lams and the head rest is coopered. The curves throughout the chair are power sculpted using a combination of ROS and a right angle grinder with a 60 grit disk and a Kutzall grinder attachment. The entire chair is sanded to 800 and buffed with a 1200 Abralon pad before the first coat of finish is applied.
For design and instructions on building this rocker please visit our friend Hal Taylor .
- Album created by John Morris
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- 11 images
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Shaker Furniture
Recently I have taken an interest in building Shaker furnishings, I have always loved it, but I am ready to build it.
This album will contain all the furniture I will build in the Shaker style.
Virtually any of the items I will be posting in this album are inspired from books written by Kerry Pierce. Mr. Pierce has created a variety of books on the shaker style, the history and culture of the Shaker community, and within the books there are detailed drawings for much of the work the Shakers produced.
Here is a link to Kerry's site at Kerry Pierce Furniture and here is a link to his books at Kerry Pierce Books in Amazon . I highly recommend the books by Mr. Pierce, they are well made, and well priced as well.
Just one of Kerry's books
Thanks for visiting this album, and thanks for looking!
- Album created by John Morris
- Updated
- 60 images
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- 60 images
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