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Patriot Woodworker's in Action



This gallery is a place to show your own efforts in volunteerism around your communities. Please feel free to upload your own images in order to bring awareness to your favorite organization and club that benefits humanity.


What to upload

You can include any organization events from "Habitat for Humanity" to local animal shelter events you are involved in, to school events that support a great cause, to your own volunteer activities in woodworking.

  • Do you produce wood works for auction to benefit a great cause?
  • Do you donate your works of art to a great cause?
  • Do you perform local neighborhood cleanups?
  • How about the local VFW?


Any cause that benefits our society as a whole, are welcome to our "Patriot Woodworker's in Action" gallery. Please help us build our gallery and let's show the world, just what our Patriot Woodworker's are all about!


  1. New Life Furniture

    Furniture Bank in CIncinnati supplying furniture and household items to families coming out of homelessness.
    • Album created by kmealy
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 9 image comments
    • 10 images
    • 9 image comments
  2. Awards for Veterans

    This album contains images of some awards I fabricated for a veterans appreciation event formal dinner that was held by our local high school patriot club.
    The club was founded and ran by our oldest daughter and our youngest daughter is the treasurer of the club. The kids in this club participate in Homes for Our Troops home builds and other local veterans events.
    • Album created by John Morris
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 5 image comments
    • 9 images
    • 5 image comments
  3. The Patriot Woodworkers Challenge Coin Displays

    Welcome to our album where we are going to build a collection of images from our past and present challenge coin display campaigns.
    Frequently our members embark on a crusade to build challenge coin displays for our wounded service men and women who are recovering in the various military hospitals around our nation.
    The challenge coin displays we build are made to hold the very precious silver dollar sized coins our troops earn while serving our nation.
    Frequently our troops will be given a coin by their unit commander for a job well done, or they may be given one by the very same rescue personal who brought them off the battle fields. Wherever they receive their challenge coins, they are important to them, so they are important to us, and we want to make a place they can display them with pride.
    The men and women seen in this photo album, have given consent to publish these images in the public domain. These images represent only a small fraction of the service members who have received our displays, we honor the privacy of those service members who do not wish to be shown here.
    • Album created by John Morris
    • Updated
    • 26 images
    • 20 image comments
    • 26 images
    • 20 image comments
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