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Hello All, I'm posting a few pictures of my wooden flutes to view. I make five, six, and seven hole flutes in the Native American Style fashion. Let me know what you think, and all tips, suggestions, and advice are sincerely welcome.
- Album created by DeVere
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- 11 images
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- 11 images
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A Wedding Cross
Been working on a wedding cross for our oldest daughter @Cynthia Morris and her fiancé Nathan. What an honor to be a part of this preparation and to have this task assigned to me, so I set to doing a little research and found the appropriate dimensions and acquired some Black Walnut and here we go
- Album created by John Morris
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- 13 images
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Partition / Sunshade - slat pine
A panel to set in a sunny front window. Tempers the glare. Casts a nice glow.
- Album created by Woodman
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Trash Can Cabinet
I needed two trash cans in my finishing room just like I have in my shop. One for stuff I can burn, the other for what I cannot. Another requirement was more counter space next to my parts washer. I also had wanted a drawer for tools and such but the math just was not working out to have all three.
Stained with golden oak, a coat of Amber Shellac and 3 coats of polyurethane.
- Album created by Gunny
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Just a Tool Chest
Was getting too much sitting around from Yard Sales....Since I did have a nice supply of Ash 1 x 6s Thought I could build a chest to hide all the stuff in, including any more that MIGHT wander in...goal was to have it done before the Labor Day Weekend gets here.
Lots of Dovetails were used...both to join the case, and build 5 drawers. back of the case is 1/4" pine plywood. I think there MIGHT be a Build-along thread somewhere? Dark brown stain, due to it using an old Walnut Coffee Table as a base. Coat of Amber Shellac followed that, then a coat of clear gloss poly.
Bright the clunky "Olde Brass" stuff got vetoed. A locking bar was cobbled up, along with lockable latches for the lid....Padlocks (3) all use the same key..
A length of black chain to keep the lid from tilting too far back...Lid uses a Piano type of hinge.
Just under a month of puttering around in the shop..
- Album created by steven newman
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- 8 images
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Hope all Patriots are doing well. New shop has been delivered!! Just about have it ready. Underground electric and wiring have been done a while now. AC installed thank goodness. Our heat index hit 113 most of last week. Got it insulated and drywall up. Hoping to get a project started very soon
- Album created by CDave
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Spokeshave case, from scrap wood
Still had some Ash leftovers from the last project...and a lot of 3/4" x 3/4" I made a box, used a Frame & Panel design....with Tongue & Groove corner joints..
Wasn't enough room for grooves for the bottom it is sitting on a mitered frame glued around the bottom of the box. Then a rack was made from Pine hold my 4 spokeshaves. added what was left of that black chain to limit how far back the lid will lean. Simple latch the close the lid, which has Brass hinges.
No stain, just 3 coats of Amber Shellac, followed by 3 coats of clear gloss varnish. stands 5-1/2" tall x 7-1/4" x 12-3/8"...even has a name brand on the lid..
- Album created by steven newman
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- 7 images
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Cutting board of scraps
Decided to use up a bunch of scraps, mainly strips that were ripped off to make a board the right width...cut them to about 12"...anything shorter was tossed into the burn pile can.....Then glue things up into a panel....clean it up, square it up, round the corners and edges....a couple of coats of mineral oilas a finish. Scrap pile is smaller, and have a cutting board for the Kitchen...5/8" x 10-1/4" x 11". No real pattern, just what seemed to look best....Thanks for looking in...
- Album created by steven newman
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Finishing Room Supply Cabinet
Supply cabinet made from scraps and a Snap On emblem. Parts washer will be where I can clean brushes and such up in the finishing room. The cabinet stores all the supplies needed to well, .... apply finish.
- Album created by Gunny
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Benchtop Drill Press Cabinet
I know, more organization
- Album created by Gunny
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Shoe Rack
Being my wife is from Ukraine we have adopted the method of removing shoes as we come into the house. Great idea but it was a cluster with the 6 pairs we keep handy for everyday stuff. Space was limited as I have a large cabinet to move from other side of room to sit next to this. On the other side a door must have room to open. Managed to squeeze 3 pairs per row despite this limitation.
Wire shelves are the popular white ones found in many homes today. Didn't like the white with my dark walnut stain so I painted them Hammered Copper. Blends in much better.
For this project I used traditional joinery and some well hidden screws. No pin nails to fill. Took some time but I am pleased with the results.
- Album created by Gunny
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Police SUV Cabinet
Made this for a friend of mine that wanted a cabinet in the back of his Police SUV. Fits a 2020 Ford Explorer.
- Album created by Gunny
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Hand Plane Til
Needed a new til to store the hand planes in, and keep the dust and other things off of them.. 1 x 8 pine boards made the main case. through dovetails joined the corners. Sliding dovetails for the shelves to sit in. Doors have plexiglass panels. Piano hinges for the doors. 3 drawers for block planes and spare parts. Witch's Brew, with a "dash" of Gunstock stain added for the finish...back of the case is pine 5/16' thick plywood. Holds quite a few planes, too
- Album created by steven newman
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- 3 images
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Cabint top to floor toe notch
When you want a one piece cabinet
- Album created by BillyJack
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- 14 images
Tool Cabinet for hand tools
Made from 1 x 10 and 1 x 4 Pine boards. With one red plastic shelf for screwdrivers.. Has hangers for most any hand tool I use..Box is 14" deep, by 3' wide, by 3' tall. Piano hinged doors also have tool storage in them. brass pull latches close the doors up tight. Black, metal handles. Nothing fancy, just a lot of glued up panels, joined with counter bored screws and glue to make the box and doors....counter-bored have been plugged.
- Album created by steven newman
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- 9 images
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- 9 images
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Cherry Cabinets
Small cherry set
- Album created by BillyJack
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- 9 images
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Reface and Mantel
An old pickled reface and basic Mantel
- Album created by BillyJack
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- 74 images
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Entertaiment Center
Entertainment center
- Album created by BillyJack
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- 43 images
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10 man poker table
simple poker table
- Album created by BillyJack
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Kidney Shaped Poker Table
Simple and cheap 9 man with dedicated dealer
- Album created by BillyJack
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- 27 images
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HDRT routing table
3 head routing table designed just for making kitchen cabinet doors...
- Album created by BillyJack
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- 102 images
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- 102 images
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Storage Boxes
Made 4 storage boxes and a shelf insert to improve and better organize things on this shelf. Made everything from scrap lumber, and hardware I had from other projects in stock.
- Album created by Gunny
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- 6 images
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Sorry I broke that, Honey... lemme fix that.
Projects I do because something broke (probably by me) and my attempt to repair or replace it.
- Album created by Daniel
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Shop Sink Cabinet
New Shop sink cabinet
- Album created by Gunny
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Sam Maloof Site Visit 2019
My wife completely surprised me, we just had our 28th marriage anniversary and she loaded me up in the car and we drove to my anniversary present, I had no idea where we were going until I drove us up the main street of the Maloof residence and saw the brown colored historical site street sign that clearly stated "Sam Maloof Foundation Historical Site" and I jumped with joy.
We live within an hour of the Maloof residence and I have never been there, it just seems like there is always something more important to do with our money, it just kind of always get set by the side for a future visit.
It was a wonderful tour, although we were not allowed to take pictures of the inside of the residence, I was able to get a few images of the woodshop, the barn full of walnut slabs and rough boards they still use today, and a fun trip through a couple onsite galleries.
- Album created by John Morris
- Updated
- 22 images
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- 22 images
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