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March already! Some of the trees are starting to show signs of waking up and I have garlic greens showing through the mulch!



Our Patriot Turners-

@Fred W. Hargis Jr posted an inquiry about a new tool rest. He asked particularly about the curved type used for turning bowls. Several of our members offered their opinions. Maybe you could hop on over to Fred's post and provide additional insights.



@HandyDan posted a link to a site for turning tool handle inserts. If you make your own handles you might want to check it out.

The site is for Trent Bosch tools and there are lots of other items there. Here's the link to his site's home page-




@Gerald showed us the setup for his new JaHo jig in the "Good Monday Morning" forum-



There is additional information in his post-



Our continuing thread on the "What's On Your Lathe" post continues to showcase new and beautiful items. This past week @teesquare, @kreisdorph and @Gerald all posted projects!








Catchup on all the activity at-



In addition to the ones still on the lathe, We had entries into the "What's OFF Your Lathe And Finished".

@Gerald and @kreisdorph both added their finished items.







The new entries and comments start here-



What’s Coming Up-

Click on the image for the link to more information and registration-

2024-03-06 16_57_54-The Lathest News #239 - Live Stream on Friday - Message (HTML).png



For The Newbies-

Not quite ready to make the deep bowl? here's an intermediate step from Alan Stratton. 



Reading a post on social media from a turner who upgraded to a larger lathe. He was lamenting that his expensive Cole Jaws were small and would not allow him to use the maximum swing of the new lathe. One person recommended this video from Alan Stratton-



Expand Your Horizons-

Several of our turners give back to others by participating in events such as Turning Pens For Our Troops and Beads Of Courage Boxes. This month the turners participating in the "4-Ways" turning collaboration are making Wig Stands. Anyone who has suffered the ravages of cancer and chemo would certainly appreciate one of these items.









New Turning Items-

Many turners tint their epoxy/acrylic work with various products. Up until now, tinting CA glue was limited due to the reaction between the glue and the tinting substance. Starbond has released an assortment of materials to tint their CA glues.

2024-03-06 17_15_25-Want to give your CA Glue some color_ - Message (HTML).png


Check it out at- 

https://starbond.com/collections/powders-inlay-supplies?utm_source=1. Starbond Newsletter Subscribers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=SB - TOTD Mica Mix (01HR9F16QNEP00ZFQF4704JB87)&_kx=UWBjOrBvGqdgxjbKJKjzdYtukO2Hko9tBjUvyv5yRmCPEYlA8GzGmWiEh-BS_64B.KAnW2a



Wasn't sure where to put this but Woodturners Wonders is having a give-a-way contest-

2024-03-06 17_18_59-Giveaway — Wood Turners Wonders.png


If you do that sort of things, here's the link-




Everything Else-

From Ron Brown's Newsletter


When Size Matters


What is the second major difference between a 12” swing wood lathe and a 16” swing wood lathe?


The first difference is obvious, the 16” lathe can swing a 4-inch larger vessel. The second major difference is in the motor or horsepower. The smaller lathe is most likely equipped with a ¾ or 1 horsepower motor while the larger lathe will typically have 1-1/2 to 2 horsepower motor.


Why does horsepower matter anyway? When all you turn are pens, wizard wands, and bottle stoppers, HP doesn’t matter. But when you are roughing out bowl blanks, plates, platters, drilling salt and pepper mills, or virtually any hollow form, the extra HP keeps the lathe from stalling. The larger the diameter, the more HP is needed because you lose the advantage of leverage. Imagine going up a steep hill with a heavy load in high gear. With the smaller HP you are forced to take lighter cuts and can’t be aggressive without stalling the lathe in its tracks; been there done that.


You can turn little stuff on a big lathe, but it is much more difficult to turn big stuff on a little lathe. It can be done, of course, it’s just not as fun, safe, or easy.


I have discovered recurring patterns after observing many thousands of turners over a few decades:
1)    Most new turners start with a mini-lathe if they buy it new.
2)    If they inherit the lathe from a relative or purchase it used, they are likely to get a larger machine to start with.
3)    Although they planned to sell the smaller unit when they upgraded, they most often kept both lathes. I had 5 at one time. Now I’m down to only two.
4)    These days, 2020 and later, most new turners start with carbide-tipped tools rather than the High-Speed Steel traditional tools. They are easy to use, quick to become proficient with, and they don’t require frequent sharpening or an expensive sharpening station.
5)    After the new turner decides to pursue turning as a hobby, (1 to 3 years later) most will undertake learning how to use and sharpen HSS tools. They will invest in a fully equipped sharpening station including a slow speed grinder and sharpening jig.


A no-fail way to introduce someone to turning wood on a lathe is to help them turn a wooden pen using a carbide-tipped tool. They treasure that pen and use it every day. They can spend the minimum amount of money and easily make lots of pens to give away or sell to their friends and associates. Their sense of accomplishment is validated often and they will have firmly joined the family of wood turners.


Just like everything else in life, we all have to start somewhere. Me too. If you recognize the path each of them must walk on their journey, you will be better able to help and advise other turners who are not as experienced as you are. 


Experts were once beginners too. That is why we are always ready to help whenever we can and invite folks to call with their turning questions. Where are you on the path?




Safe turning


@HandyDan  Thank You! Praying for a speedy recovery, we miss your posts and pictures of your turnings.


@Grandpadave52 Thanks!


@Gerald  Thank You! Hope the knee(s) are healing well. Mimi has 2 years in on one and 1 year on the other. I told her she should get zipper tattoos over the scars- would look pretty cool. My suggestion was not well accepted. 

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