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OFF the lathe and just finished


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3 hours ago, Gerald said:

Well is you like walnut I have some poor man's walnut Sweet Gum finished. It does not show in the pictures but tow of these cracked like the spokes of a wheel on the bottom. I filled with epoxy colored with micro powders. One had a crack that looked like ring shake but with a bit of epoxy held well.IMG_8115.JPG.22285fdc62ce865ff0b44df85f355abe.JPG



A little off center Calabash.






Note the block has increments marked for size perspective. These are all done as one turn and done and gave some nice warp and movement but also made sanding difficult.

Wow!! Beautiful!!! @Gerald did you add any dye/color to bring out the colors? I had a piece of sweet gum but don't remember those beautiful colors.

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