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Our Ward 57 Christmas project is underway! We've made it to about 20% of the way to our goal! If you haven't donated yet, please checkout this link-


Also, Easy Wood tools has added some awesome prizes to the Ward 57 raffle! 


And, speaking of Easy Wood Tools, we have a new member to our turning forum. Please welcome @Jordan Martindale! She is the Administrative Assistant & Sales Support person at Easy Wood Tools. Jordan is also working to expand Easy Wood Tools' involvement in the social media world of things.



Our Patriot Turners-

Last week's posted video on the skew prompted @forty_caliber to challenge us to show the eggs we created. @HandyDan accepted the gauntlet and posted this-

Fantastic work, Dan!!


Leave it to @Steve Krumanaker to create another awesome mechanism for embellishing a turning. This one is so cool!  Thanks, Steve!!



About a year ago, @smitty10101 posted a question about turning end grain and how to handle tear out. New member @Bill Blasic picked up with the posted and added his thoughts. Check out the additional comments-



What’s Coming Up-

Click on the images for links to more information/registration-









For The Newbies-

Mike Peace continues with his series of videos covering the use of turning accessories-



Richard Raffan demonstrates turning a small cross grain box.



Expand Your Horizons-

We mentioned last week about Cindy Drozda's live presentation of using a camera to assist in hollowing. If you missed it, she posted the video on YouTube.



Couple of weeks ago, @HandyDan was looking for a video on turning a natural edge wine glass. Not quite a wine glass but maybe this will help-



What to try ebonizing? Really short video from Richard Raffan-



Alan Stratton reuses a bandsaw jig to add interesting details to his turnings-



New Turning Items-

Niles Bottle Stoppers has added a new product. Carl Jacobson demonstrates the new bronze threaded inserts.



Woodturners Wonders is having their Black Friday's sale for the entire month! 






Everything Else-

Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week-




Finished and delivered the walnut bowls. Nothing special. I really need to get more experience with the Sorby spiral/texture tool. I've watched Darryl Jones ( https://www.youtube.com/Dreadknotwoodshop ) and Jeff Hornug (https://www.instagram.com/jeffreyhornung/ ) to try and understand how they get those beautiful designs but so far mine are miserable failures.


I used the sanding paste,  Yorkshire Grit from Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ). Love the results!








The lady was happy o I guess that's what matters.



Safe turning



2 hours ago, lew said:

Couple of weeks ago, @HandyDan was looking for a video on turning a natural edge wine glass.


I saw this video somewhere and I thought it was you that posted it and gave it a shot then couldn't find where I saw the video.  Still was enjoyable to turn.

I will have to make time to watch this weeks videos.  A couple look interesting.

Your bowls look great.  I never used wax based finishes for fear that there would be a whiter residue left behind in the grain


Thanks for the post Lew. As to spiraling we had Jeff do a demo here and it is a lot the function of the lathe speed ( 500 for mini and 8-900 for full size) and the kind of wood you use. The bowls look great to me

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