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We all enjoyed getting away last week. Nothing like eating your way up and down the boardwalk





Our Patriot Turners-

@RustyFN asked some questions about rough turned bowls-



He received lots of input from our members. Check out his post and see if you can add to the conversation


Rusty also shared a completed Bradford Pear bowl he made. It sure is a beauty-



He tells us a little about the turning in his post




What’s Coming Up-

Click on the images for links to more information and registration-

Lyle Jamieson





For The Newbies-

Rusty's question concerning rough turning wood bowls ties into these videos on drying turning blanks-


Not sure if everyone can see this video on Instagram. This is a screen grab from John Jordan



and the link- https://www.instagram.com/p/CcWy7uYLwqp/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY



Need a portable way to carry your lathe tools? Mike Peace may have just what you need



Spring is busting out all over- so they tell me- Alan Stratton is making flowers that won't freeze!



Couple of smaller projects picked up from the AAW-

Salt and Pepper mills-


and a little scoop-




Expand Your Horizons-

Cindy Drozda is doing more online, live presentations. You can find her on the web at





Her latest YouTube video



Vacuum chucks are one of the easiest way to reverse chuck a bowl to finish off the bottom. Here Jim Rodgers explains



Lyle Jamieson turns a beautiful crotch hollow vessel



Carl Jacobson has a super easy way to do beautiful inlays-



Mike Waldt turns a beech goblet-




New Turning Items-

Ron Brown has a new stabilizer for those who do hollowing-




Some sale prices on our most generous sponsor's products ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools) from Craft Supplies USA-







They also have a new, small lathe available-





Ruth Niles has a special deal on an assortment of stoppers designed for liquor bottles 



Click on the above image for the link to her store.



Everything Else-

Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last two weeks-






Safe turning

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