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I'm looking for something to protect that chip board.  All that I've ever had rotted in 10 years or less.  They roofed my garage with it because it was code to withstand 140 mph winds.  Before 10 years were up, I had rotten decking that could be easily seen from inside.  Called a roofer and had everything removed and decking is now 3/4" roofing decking plywood.  Inspector failed it, but it will be there when both of us are looking at the underside of the grass.  

Are you going to install doors?  I like that you have some electricity to it and the one emergency rest room idea is great and convenient.  

23 hours ago, FlGatorwood said:

I'm looking for something to protect that chip board.  All that I've ever had rotted in 10 years or less.

The building the deck is attached to is made of same stuff. Built in August 1999.  Here is what steps I took to keep that issue at bay.

Caulked every edge of OSB before installation, and let cure for 2 days.  Then caulked again when installing.  Painted all outside edges before install with oil based Kilz.  Then painted with latex 2 coats after install.  Used something like Tyvek on the corners and the windows.  Put 10" tin splash guard up at the bottom before installing Styrofoam for vinyl siding.


So far when inspected no rot issues except a trim board around door I seem to have forgotten to seal up at the bottom.  Minor issue, fixed on this refurb, correctly this time.


This closet gets same treatment.  I have the time and patience to do it now rather than burn more time later.

23 hours ago, FlGatorwood said:

Are you going to install doors? 

  Yes should be two 30 inch or little less doors.  They will be at 6 ft tall so custom doors are in order.


23 hours ago, FlGatorwood said:

They roofed my garage with it because it was code to withstand 140 mph winds.

Did they install drip edge all around the plywood edges?  I picked this up some time ago and have been using it since.


Re: OSB roofing--my boards rotted in the middle of the sheet.  Yes, the put the metal flashing around the roof according to code, but if the roof leaked in the middle anywhere, the first indication was black mold and in a couple of months, it began to sag.  


Back to thread:  Really nice plan and excellently executed.  Love it, totally.

Great job.  Looking forward to seeing the doors installed.  

2 hours ago, FlGatorwood said:

OSB roofing--my boards rotted in the middle of the sheet.  Yes, the put the metal flashing around the roof according to code, but if the roof leaked in the middle anywhere, the first indication was black mold and in a couple of months, it began to sag.

Interesting problem you had.  That it happened so fast makes me believe installation issue but who knows right?  In any event I built access panels in the eves to check the roofs for leaks or run wiring to add lights.  I will keep an eye on it.


3 hours ago, FlGatorwood said:

Looking forward to seeing the doors installed. 

Me too, I am still considering a few options for method of build.  Typically for a shed I use 1 1/2" square stock and sheath it with 1/4 plywood on both sides.  But being that this is close to the nice door on the building I am thinking a bit more fancy.  Don't need windows but perhaps some faux windows?


Hey Gunny, sure wish we were closer... I sent a small batch of very similar siding - even in color - to the landfill over the past month.  And it was in good shape:(  I had listed it on Craigslist for free but had no takers.  And, I also had to buy a roll of trim coil for about 10' - doesn't it always go like that?  I spent last week at Lake Lanier and Flowery Branch, I "could" have dropped it off for you on my way by...


The whole deck project is coming along nicely.  Well thought out and executed:TwoThumbsUp:


Curiosity question--I see a hole under the shed in the support beam.  Or, is that an optical illusion?  It appears to be perfect for raccoons or opossums or some such creators.  I hope that I am not seeing correctly.  I do need to have my vision checked.  It's been a couple of years and I can tell I need some correction.  Anyway, back to the thread, no judgment intended, just trying to figure it out. 



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