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Knuckles for a welding fixture


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 I made these a while back for my wood lathe DC holder and they were  flawed.  Now with aa new DC rig I have these knuckles left over and it seemed they'd make a great positional clamping rig for welding when I have to hold things at goof ball angles

 Here I am fixing the flaw in them  the  metal closest to the bolts  tended to dish out and weaking clamp force.  So I'm fixing that flattening the faces and squaring the components

https://photos.smugmug.com/Rockwell-14-x-40-lathe/i-BSs2tf7/0/3f590cb8/1920/truing one up-1920.mp4


https://photos.smugmug.com/Rockwell-14-x-40-lathe/i-BSs2tf7/0/3f590cb8/1920/truing one up-1920.mp4


https://photos.smugmug.com/Rockwell-14-x-40-lathe/i-DmXqf4z/0/df2da010/1920/taking a pass-1920.mp4






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