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Shaker Transitional Rocker Part 1 (Curly Maple)

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26 minutes ago, John Morris said:

This morning I have parts roughed out, and ready for planing and smoothing and turning.

Wow John, you "got up and started before breakfast this morning" :lol: Looking good so far.

With all the book matching, this one is going to be a beaut!

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1 hour ago, Dadio said:

How many boards did it take? Do you have enough of the curly material for the seat?


Herb, I started with a 8/4 x 96" by 9.5" board, and I cut all the parts from it. I have a length about 2 feet left. I am going to try to get a matching foot stool from that section.

The seat is weaved fabric tape, no wood is used in the seat.


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3 hours ago, steamshovel said:

I'll send my height, width and most important the weight limit and my address as to where to send this future masterpiece when you are finished.


Oh don't forget the coffee holder and the built in the 1 dozen donut holder. Let me know when you ship so I can be home.



Thanks Preston! That is a great compliment, to want one in your home, I am honored.

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