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Part 3- Table Adjustment Mechanism

After researching many sander designs and knowing my tendency to over engineer everything, there was only one choice for the table adjusting/lifting mechanism.

The source of the lift came from this site and I give the author full credit- http://home.mchsi.com/~woodywrkng/DrumSander.html. The only change/addition I made was to add springs the help eliminate any “backlash” in the movement. The author of the site felt this mechanism gave more support over the full width of the table.

The arm pieces were made from ¾” x 1” oak, the top/bottom and front/rear pieces were thicker and wider to add support. All the pieces were cut and drilled prior to assembly. Assembly was with ¼” lag bolts and washers. The adjustment rod is a piece of 5/16” steel all-thread. A T-nut is used, on the rear of the back piece, into which the rod threads


(pieces 1 and 2)






(arm assembly)




(pieces assembled)




(springs and adj)




Originally, the plan was to use a small star knob. However, it was difficult to determine how much adjustment was achieved from a slight rotation. The oversized knob makes it easier to see even the slightest advance. As it turns out, a full turn raises the table very close to 1/16”.


(Oversized Knob)





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