Bill in more stuff
Old woodworker for the past 65 years making the Sam Maloof style rocking chairs, clocks, tables, and small items all on my web site at kappelusa.com.
I am on my last legs and would like to offer any woodworker my FREE text on making the Maloof style rocker just go to my web site and request same.
Any woodworker can make the Maloof style rocker if they follow my instructions. For the past 65 years woodworkers all over the world have received this FREE text and made the described rockers.
The last pictured rocker was made because woodworkers asked me if they could use short pieces of wood to make a rocker so I made this one with short, 2 ft or less, leftover material I had in the shop.
My flag-ship rocker is the "Crown Jewell" featured on my web page.
The following pictures are just some of my work over the past 65 years.