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Good Monday Morning Patriot Woodworkers! August 1, 2016

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Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers!

Well, here we are starting yet another wonderful new week and one more week off the books till we get to some cooler weather around the nation. In my region we are getting hiccups of very hot weather and then it settles down to just regular ol hot weather. Then we have some pretty good humidity to go along with it lately as well.

Sometimes it's hard to pull ourselves into our shops during weather like this, as many of us do not have the luxury of a climate controlled shop or garage, I know I don't.


Staying Hydrated

All that being said, some of us have to work in our shops, regardless of weather, some make a living from their woodwork, and some just love being out there no matter what the weather.

So, heat, it can be uncomfortable, it can be dangerous, and it can be deadly.

Here are some tips to stay hydrated.


  • Keep a large water bottle handy to encourage you to drink water wherever and whenever.
  • Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables, which are great sources of water, daily not only to stay hydrated, but also to maintain optimal health.
  • Have a glass of water before each meal.
  • After each trip to the restroom, drink a glass of water to replenish your fluids.
  • Set reminders on your phone, watch, or e-mail to drink every hour.
  • Add a slice of lemon, lime, and/or mint to your water to give it some flavor without adding any extra calories.


A word of caution regarding energy drinks: because they contain large amounts of sugar and stimulants, they can be counterproductive to maintaining fluid balance. In some instances, they may even be dangerous; researchers found that brands with caffeine and the amino acid taurine significantly raise blood pressure and heart rate. There's no getting around it. Drinking water is always best.

reference: Medical Daily




When working out doors with others

In my day job as a Land Surveyor, we are always exposed to the elements and we work in all kinds of conditions. Unfortunately when the temperatures get into the low 100's and into the 100 plus teens, we must still keep working, the job needs to get done, and we have deadlines. So we have been trained to watch out for each-other and look for signs of heat stroke and other dangerous symptoms. If you must work outside with a partner or around others, there are signs to watch for in him or her, and yourself.


  • Altered mental state or behavior. ... (I have seen this before, your partner is asking strange questions, they seem aloof, they cannot concentrate or perform simple mental tasks, such as adding 2+2.)
  • Alteration in sweating. ... (Sweating is a good sign, if your partner stops sweating, that's bad!)
  • Nausea and vomiting. ... (This is bad, they are already on their way towards stroke)
  • Flushed skin. ... (Pale, highly pink, pasty skin)
  • Rapid breathing. ... (If your partner is rapidly breathing, it's nearly too late, this is a very bad sign)
  • Amber color urine. .... (This is the beginning sign that you do not have enough fluids in your body, your pee should be close to clear or a pale yellow)


If any of the conditions above appear in your work partner or you, you must immediately get them to a cool location, inside an automobile with air conditioning, under a tree with shade, in a structure with air conditioning, anywhere cool and shaded. And have them drink regular temperature water, ice cold water is not good, it can shock the system, but if it's all you have, you need to let them drink it.


It's hot folks! So keep an eye out for yourself, keep an eye out for the guy working next too you, and be safe and don't push yourself!

The goal of any work day is to get home alive and in one piece.


So, does anyone have any hot weather tips they'd like to share with us! Have a  wonderful week ahead folks, and stay safe in your shops, and be well!



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Tami and I will be heading out shortly to Yuma, AZ to spend a few days with Tami's Mom. She has to have eye surgery in Phoenix tomorrow afternoon which is about a 3 hour drive from Yuma. We have to spend the night in Phoenix in a hotel as her Mom has to be re-checked the day after surgery before we head back to Yuma. So we will be carrying some water in a cooler for the drive in the 100+ degree heat. But it will be fine as it is a DRY HEAT. :P:P

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Well it is 10:42 here and already 88 degrees and feels like 97 with the humidity. I'll be working inside the shop most of the day today. Washing machine went down Saturday so we had to get a new one. It was delivered this morning so I had to wait on them to get here.


Over the weekend I did get most of the headers up for the two double doors in the shop expansion. All I like are the small 2x4's at the top and I should get those in late this afternoon when it cools a bit.



Working on some cutting boards this morning.



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17 hours ago, Fred Wilson said:

Great info on hydration and what "lack of" can do to our bodies.

In Georgia, humid and muggy translate to "humuggity".  Hmm, noticed my spell checker didn't like "humuggity".

Or as Roy Underhill likes to say "Humi-ditty". My son and I were watching that episode and we had a good giggle over it.

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